McCarthy Fails a 10th Time to Win House Speaker

January 5, 2023

The Representatives-elect went ahead Thursday evening and held a 10th vote for Speaker of the House—and for a 10th consecutive time, Rep.-elect Kevin McCarthy failed to achieve the needed 218 votes to win the position.

Rep.-elect Juan Ciscomani (R-AZ) nominated McCarthy in round 10. A Mexican-born citizen, he spoke of the American dream during his speech on the House floor. 

“This country gave me and my family an opportunity–an opportunity to achieve the American dream,” he said, adding, “I trust Kevin to fight for that American dream because he’s a product of it. We’re all a product of it. He gets it.”

Rep.-elect Pete Aguilar (D-CA) returned to the task of nominating Rep.-elect Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), whom Aguilar called, “The leader of the governing party in this chamber.” 

He began by thanking Ciscomani—”my colleague on the other side of the aisle”—for sharing his family’s story. Then he added, “It is our hope that this chamber gets down to the business so he and all the new members in this chamber can be sworn in to do the work of the people.”

Rep.-elect Anna Luna (R-FL) was selected to nominate Rep.-elect Bryon Donalds (R-FL) as the first spoiler against McCarthy for a seventh round in a row.

“What you’re seeing with this discussion does not mean that we are dysfunctional,” she insisted. “And in no way, shape or form will a Democrat ever hold the gavel to a Republican controlled House.” 

She went on, “These discussions and dialogues have actually been good for the American people and although the media tries to pit us against each other I can tell you it’s been something that we need as a country.”

And for a second time on Thursday Rep.-elect Lauren Boebert (R-CO) offered up Rep.-elect Kevin Hern (R-OK)–who has been voting for McCarthy—as a second Republican spoiler.

“It’s as simple as that, folks,” she said. “Let’s start getting somewhere with this, realize the facts. Kevin McCarthy does not have the votes. Let’s elect a Republican who can unify our conference, who is a true leader. I’m casting my vote for Kevin Hern, and I hope you will as well.”

McCarthy won 200 votes in round 10, the same as round nine.

Byron won 13 votes while Hern won seven votes. 

Rep.-elect Victoria Spartz (R-IN) voted “present” for a seventh time in a row. 

Rep.-elect Ken-Buck (R-CO), who had to leave Washington for a medical appointment, did not vote in either the ninth or 10th rounds.

And making it 10 in a row, all 212 House Democrats voted for Jeffries.

The voting for the House Speakership now heads toward a nearly unheard of 11th round—the longest since 1859 when the voting went to 44 ballots.

The year 1855 holds the record, however, when voting went on for two months and 133 ballots. 

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