Biden Medical Check-Up “Straightforward”

February 16, 2023

President Biden underwent a three-hour check-up Thursday morning at Walter Reed Medical Center, the second of his term in the White House.

“The most notable interval history for this past year was the President’s very extensively reported upper respiratory infection” from having tested positive for Covid in July, according to the medical summary released Thursday evening by Dr. Kevin O’Connor, Biden’s Physician.

His report goes on to say, “Fortunately, having been fully vaccinated and twice boosted at the time of initial infection, the President experienced only mild symptoms, consisting mostly of a deep, loose cough and hoarseness. He responded very well to standard, outpatient therapy, to include the anti-viral ‘medication, Paxlovid.”

He also notes that Biden’s pulse oximetry never fell below 97%, and that he “experienced rebound positivity several days after testing negative.”

Most importantly, perhaps, O’Connor notes that Biden, who has received a Bivalent Covid booster, has not experienced any residual symptoms that would be considered the result of “Long Covid.”

An electrocardiogram, or EKG, demonstrated “no signs of heart failure….excellent functional capacity.” However, the report does note “persistent a-fib,” or atrial fibrillation, with a “normal ventricular response. [Biden] remains completely asymptomatic.”

Other findings included gastroesophogeal reflux, which may contribute to the “occasional cough or sinus congestion.” Biden also deals with seasonal allergies, for which he takes over-the-counter meds. Further, O’Connor chalked up a “perceptibly stiffened ambulatory gait” by Biden to wear and tear on his spine—but it did not result in nerve root compression “enough to warrant any specific treatment.”

Biden also underwent a routine skin cancer check. “One small lesion on the President’s chest was excised today and sent for traditional biopsy,” according to O’Connor. “Results are pending.”

Biden is six feet tall, weighs 178 pounds and has a body mass index for 24.1. His blood pressure is 128/76, according to the report.

“Physical exam unchanged from baseline,” O’Connor concluded. “President Biden remains a healthy, vigorous, 80-year-old male, who is fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency, to include those as Chief Executive, Head of State and Commander in Chief.”

Earlier in the day, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre described the three-hour session at Walter Reed as “straightforward.”

Later in the afternoon, Biden told NBC News, “Well, everything really went well. God, love him. Thank God for small favors.”

Biden is reportedly weighing a run for reelection in 2024. Addressing any concerns about his age during a PBS interview last week, Biden replied, “Watch me. That’s all I can say.”

However, according to a recent AP-NORC poll, just 37% of Democrats say Biden should pursue reelection, down from 52% before last November’s midterm elections. And overall just 22% of Americans surveyed said he should run again.

During his last physical and colonoscopy, in November 2021, his doctors had concluded him to be a “healthy, vigorous, 78-year-old male.” At that time Dr. O’Connor, had declared Biden fit for duty and able to execute his responsibilities.

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