McCarthy Reaches Temporary Truce with Rebelling House Conservatives

June 13, 2023

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) struck a deal Monday with conservative Republican lawmakers who staged a mini-revolt in the chamber last Tuesday, holding up legislation for the rest of the week. 

The 11 conservatives, led by the far-right Freedom Caucus, have been retaliating against McCarthy’s having brokered with President Biden then pushed to pass the “Fiscal Responsibility Act” earlier this month, suspending the debt ceiling until 2025 in exchange for spending cuts.

The agreement was announced following a meeting Monday between McCarthy some of the rebelling conservatives, including Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC), who had gone into the discussions after saying that the gang of 11 were “actually more livid now” than they had been the week prior.

Norman came out of the meeting saying that his group would now vote yes on a new rule to allow a package of messaging bills. 

Among the bills are a pair that seek to protect gas stoves from potential government bans, which has been a pet issue for Republicans for months, asserting that any such bans would be government overreach. 

House lawmakers will also consider a bill that would repeal a federal firearms ban on pistol braces, which had also been pulled last week.

“We aired our issues. We want to see this move forward as a body,” said Norman.

Another member of the gang of 11, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) added, “The floor will be functioning this week.”

However, they expressed continuing upset over the debt ceiling deal.

Gaetz cautioned Monday that the threat of further revolt had not disappeared. “Perhaps we’ll be back here next week,” he said.

Referring to the threat, McCarthy said, “You know, each day there’s another challenge. I just wake up every morning, pray for the patience of Job and find a solution and move forward.”

PHOTO: @SpeakerMcCarthy

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