House Republicans strike internal deal ahead of shutdown deadline

September 18, 2023

Two factions of the House Republican conference reached a deal Sunday evening in an effort to avoid a government shutdown for another month. 

The deal between the Main Street Caucus and House Freedom Caucus includes cutting discretionary spending during that time period, along with the bulk of a House GOP bill to sharpen crackdowns at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Leaders of the two Republican-led caucuses hope to have the their continuing resolution (CR) brought to the House floor this week. 

The deal would avoid a looming September 30 shutdown deadline by funding the government through October 31, keep spending at the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs at current levels, but cut all discretionary spending by 8%. The provision also includes a bill passed by Republicans in May along partisan lines to complete former President Trump’s border wall while also severely restricting asylum access.

However, even if the resolution—which does not include disaster relief funding nor funding for Ukraine—was passed by the GOP’s razor-thin five-seat majority in the House, it’s very unlikely that the Democratic-majority Senate would vote to pass it, nor that the Biden White House would sign it.

Meanwhile, several House Republicans on social media Sunday evening voiced their own opposition to the resolution, instead urging Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to pass the 12 individual spending bills necessary to avoid shutdown. 

“No CR. Pass the damn approps bills. Roll back the crazy bureaucracy to pre-COVID levels. Now,” wrote Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC).

He was writing in agreement with a post from Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL) who had written, “If the House thinks adding [the border bill] which we DIRELY NEEDED sweetens the deal for me to vote clearance to add more Ukraine funding for the Senate neocon/neolibs to not oppose. I’m a HARD NO!”

While Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who’s been pressuring McCarthy to “move the f***ing spending bills,” posted Sunday evening, “I will NOT surrender” and agree to the CR.  

The House Rules Committee is scheduled to take up the resolution on Monday.

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