Liz Cheyney Comments On Biden Israel Policy

May 9, 2024

In a surprising turn of events, former Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney and former President Donald Trump have found themselves in agreement regarding President Biden’s recent stance on Israel. Despite their previous disagreements, particularly Cheney’s vote to impeach Trump, both political figures have criticized Biden’s decision to potentially withhold aid from Israel.

Liz Cheney, known for her anti-Trump stance, expressed her concerns on Wednesday, stating that withholding aid from Israel is “wrong and dangerous.” She emphasized the importance of the United States supporting Israel, suggesting that failing to do so could benefit Iran and its terrorist allies. Cheney’s statement highlighted her belief in maintaining a strong alliance with Israel, particularly in the context of Middle Eastern geopolitics.

Donald Trump, taking to Twitter, also voiced his disapproval of Biden’s approach. He accused Biden of siding with terrorists, referring to the withholding of weapons as Israel contemplates an invasion of Rafah in Gaza. This area is considered a stronghold for Hamas. Trump’s criticism was sharp and direct, linking Biden’s policies to broader accusations of weakness and corruption. He claimed that Biden’s actions might lead the world closer to global conflict, specifically “World War III.”

The backdrop to these critiques involves a broader geopolitical tension in the Middle East, particularly around Israel’s ongoing conflict with Hamas. Trump referenced a significant attack on October 7, where Hamas killed 1,200 people in Israeli border communities, labeling it the deadliest terror attack in Israel’s history. In his social media posts, Trump expressed his viewpoint that these current conflicts, including the ongoing war in Ukraine, would not have occurred had he still been in office, promoting his policy of “peace through strength.”

Liz Cheney, despite her alignment with Trump on the issue of Israel, has had a more than complicated relationship with the former president and her own party. Following the 2020 election, Cheney participated in the House Select Committee investigating the riot and her vote to impeach Trump resulted in her losing favor within the GOP, culminating in her defeat in the 2022 primary for Wyoming’s congressional seat.

Now, she’s crawling back. Sorry, Liz, you joined the Biden admin, and you own it.



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