Psaki Announced Changes To Future Editions Of Her New Book After Criticism

May 13, 2024

MSNBC host Jen Psaki has announced changes to future editions of her book following criticism over her portrayal of an incident involving President Joe Biden. The controversy centers around Biden’s actions at a 2021 ceremony for U.S. service members killed in Afghanistan. Psaki, who served as Biden’s White House Press Secretary before moving to MSNBC, is adjusting the content of her book titled “Say More” after discrepancies were highlighted between her account and other reports.

In her book, Psaki wrote that President Biden did not look at his watch during the ceremony itself. However, this statement was contradicted by photographs and accounts from Gold Star families, who stated that they observed Biden checking his watch multiple times during the event. This led to a backlash online, prompting Psaki to address the issue. She told Axios that she plans to remove the specific details about the timing of when Biden looked at his watch from future reprints and the eBook version of her book.

The original text in Psaki’s book claimed that “the president looked at his watch only after the ceremony had ended.” She argued that critics of Biden had misrepresented the facts to portray him as insensitive. Nonetheless, the feedback from Gold Star families, who have consistently stated their observations of Biden checking his watch during the dignified transfer ceremony, tells a different story.

This incident also led to media scrutiny and corrections. In 2021, USA Today had to update a fact-checking article that initially supported Psaki’s version, claiming Biden checked his watch only after the ceremony. The correction acknowledged that Biden did indeed look at his watch multiple times during the ceremony.
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Furthermore, Axios reported that Psaki incorrectly attributed a quote to The Washington Post in her book, when it actually originated from USA Today. This mistake added to the controversy surrounding the accuracy of her narrative.

Paski and others like her claim to be the truth detectors fighting misinformation. Instead, look what they get caught doing.

The question is how the heck did this get by an editor?


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