Full Day Of Testimony During 4th Day Of Hunter Biden Trial

June 6, 2024

On the fourth day of Hunter Biden’s trial for federal gun charges, court adjourned around 4:45 p.m. ET, with Hunter departing the courthouse at 4:53 p.m. ET. The day was packed with testimony, notably including Hallie Biden, the widow of Beau Biden and Hunter’s ex.

Hallie provided a detailed account of her involvement with Hunter, recounting a June 2018 trip to Los Angeles. She testified about using drugs, specifically crack cocaine, which Hunter had introduced to her. Hallie continued using drugs until August 2018, the same month she visited Hunter at a treatment facility.

During her testimony, Hallie revealed that her romantic relationship with Hunter spanned from late 2015 through 2016, during which time she became aware of his drug use. She described instances of Hunter obtaining crack and behaving in an agitated manner.

One of the key moments in her testimony involved an October 22-23, 2018 visit from Hunter. Hallie recounted how Hunter appeared exhausted and might have been on drugs. While he was sleeping, she decided to clean his car, a routine she adopted to check for remnants of drug use or alcohol. That night, she found remnants of crack cocaine, dirty clothes, trash, and a gun.

Prosecutors introduced the actual gun Hunter purchased and asked Hallie to identify it. She confirmed that it resembled the firearm she had seen in the car.

Other witnesses took the stand as well. Delaware State Police Senior Cpl. Joshua Marley testified about responding to the incident at Janssen’s Market, where Hallie had disposed of Hunter’s gun. Retired Lt. Millard Greer provided insight into how the police discovered the gun, and Edward Thomas Banner, the man who recovered the gun from a dumpster, also testified.

Surveillance footage from Janssen’s Market was presented in court, showing Hallie pulling up in a BMW and retrieving the gun, which was in a small “gift bag,” from the back seat. She then walked to the store’s exterior and placed the bag in an outdoor trash can. Another clip showed Hallie returning to the store, frantically searching for the gun that was no longer there. Hallie testified that she had asked store employees if the trash had been taken out.

During her testimony, Hallie described her panic upon finding the gun, bullets, and drug remnants in Hunter’s car. She said she wanted to get rid of the gun because she feared Hunter might harm himself. Reflecting on her actions, Hallie admitted, “I realize it was a stupid idea now, but I was panicking.”

Hunter, upon learning about the incident, instructed Hallie to return to the store and look for the gun. If it was gone, she was to file a police report, as the gun was registered in his name. Hallie eventually filed a police report at Janssen’s Market, which was corroborated by the presented evidence.

The testimonies and evidence provided a detailed look into the events surrounding the case, shedding light on the complexities and personal struggles involved.



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