KJP Answers Question About Hunter During Press Gaggle

June 12, 2024

President Joe Biden reportedly views his son, Hunter Biden, as a victim of judicial overreach following his recent gun conviction. Hunter Biden was found guilty on Tuesday by a Delaware jury on all three counts related to illegal gun possession. He now faces up to 25 years in prison and fines totaling $750,000. Despite this, President Biden has publicly pledged not to pardon his son but has not commented on the possibility of a commutation.

Two individuals close to the situation, who spoke to Politico on the condition of anonymity, revealed that the president feels personally responsible for Hunter’s legal troubles. President Biden believes that his reelection campaign may have influenced the harshness of the legal actions against his son. “If I weren’t running for reelection, he would have gotten the plea deal,” Biden reportedly confided to a close associate.

In 2023, Hunter Biden declined a plea deal offered by the government related to the gun charges. This offer came after a previous, heavily criticized plea deal fell apart under judicial scrutiny. The original plea deal, which some legal experts described as exceptionally lenient, included immunity from future charges and potentially expunging a felony gun violation from Hunter’s record. This agreement would have allowed Hunter to plead guilty to tax evasion charges for not paying taxes on over $1.5 million in income for 2017 and 2018, in exchange for probation instead of jail time.

The collapse of this “sweetheart” deal led to the government’s second offer, which Hunter also refused, opting to face trial instead. This decision resulted in his current convictions and a subsequent indictment for tax violations in California. Hunter’s tax trial is scheduled for September 2024.

Critics argue that Hunter Biden’s legal issues are just getting started and that the tax trial could really land Hunter is hot water.


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