Byron York Responds To CNN Report

April 30, 2024

Recenlty, CNN published a report that could be a bad omen for President Joe Biden who is hoping to be reflected.

“New CNN national poll: Trump over Biden 49-43 in 2-way race, 42-33 in 5-way race. 55% say Trump’s presidency was a success, while 44% say it was a failure. 61% say Biden’s presidency has been a failure, 39% a success,” the Washington Examiner’s chief political correspondent Byron York wrote on social media.

One of the screenshots in particular shows that Trump has been gaining on Biden slowly since last August.

From the Dailywire:

The screenshots included one showing Trump gaining on Biden since last August, when the same poll’s results only favored Trump by one point in a two-man race — with 47% to Biden’s 46%. The same poll, taken again in late October and a third time in January, showed Trump gaining two points (49%) and Biden losing two (45%). In the latest poll, released Sunday, Trump held steady at 49% and Biden dropped another two points to 43%.

According to the poll, Trump keeps his lead (42%) over Biden (33%) even if independent candidates RFK Jr. (16%) and Cornel West (4%) — and Green Party candidate Jill Stein (3%) are accounted for as well.

Another devastating blow came when respondents were asked whether Trump’s presidency had been a success (55%) or a failure (44%). Those numbers have more than reversed since the same question was asked in mid-January of 2021, when 55% said Trump’s presidency had been a failure and just 41% said it was a success.

We all know how “accurate” reports can be especially after the “red wave” that was predicted in 2022 that never happened.

However, for fun, we decided to look back at what was going on around the same time last time Biden and Trump squared off.

CNN reported in on May 13 of 2020 that Biden led Trump by five points. The report from 2020 also found:

Biden outpaced “Trump across five other tested attributes. His advantage is largest on which candidate would unite the country and not divide it (55% say Biden would, 38% Trump), followed by being honest and trustworthy (53% choose Biden, 38% Trump). Biden is seen as caring more about people like you (54% Biden vs. 42% Trump), better able to manage government effectively (52% Biden to 45% Trump) and more trusted in a crisis (51% Biden to 45% Trump). A majority of Americans say they have an unfavorable view of the President (55%) while fewer feel negatively about Biden (46%).”

Could you imagine if they ran that poll now?


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