Bush Does Interview Following Release Of Memoir

Missouri Democratic Rep. Cori Bush has increasingly come under scrutiny, not for her political activities, but for some claims she made public during an interview. Recently, the Congresswoman published the memoir “The Forerunner: A Story of Pain and Perseverance in America” Bush details her experiences as a faith healer and asserts an almost mystical ability […]

ISGAP Releases Report About Yale

A bombshell report has rocked Yale University, which has been under investigation for allegedly concealing over $15 million in donations from Qatar, a nation known for supporting Hamas’s top leaders. The school’s alleged actions potentially breach federal reporting laws, according to an investigation from the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP). […]

Rebecca Traister Writes Piece Examining Women On The Left

The irony is palpable when the party that struggles to define what a woman is, decides to critique and categorize Republican women. A recent article, seemingly tailored for a liberal audience with the presidential election looming, portrays Republican women as right-wing extremists, with an exaggerated emphasis on femininity while paradoxically advocating for women’s strength. The […]

Secret Service Agent Robbed After Biden Event

Shortly after President Joe Biden attended a fundraising event in Los Angeles, a U.S. Secret Service suffered another embarrassing event. Recently, an agent was removed from Vice President Kamala Harris detail after getting into a fight with other agents while on duty. Now, following Biden’s LA fundraiser an agent was robbed. The event took place […]

CNN Reports Sparks Historical Debate

The story of Benjamin Franklin famously responding to a question about the established government following his exit from the Constitutional Convention is well-known. His response? “A republic, if you can keep it.” This tale is a staple in many middle and junior high school government classes throughout the US. It’s here that students learn that […]

Dem Senator Deletes Social Media Post

Hello there! Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer, Democrat of New York, recently found himself in a bit of a roasting session. However, it wasn’t the type of roasting one might expect at a comedy show. This happened when Schumer made a Father’s Day post on social media, which was later deleted, and appeared seemingly innocent […]

SCOTUS Rules On Bump Stock Rule

In a significant ruling on Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that a bump stock does not transform a firearm into an automatic weapon, effectively striking down a federal rule that had banned bump stocks. The decision came in a 6-3 vote, with Justice Clarence Thomas authoring the majority opinion. “Congress has long restricted access […]

Pelosi Gives Comments About Trump During Larry O’Donnell Interview

Former House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., took aim at former President Trump in a recent interview, calling him an “imposter” and urging for an intervention. Speaking with MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, Pelosi didn’t hold back, asserting, “He knows he’s wacky. He knows he’s an imposter.” Pelosi expressed her hope that Trump’s family or the Republican […]

GOP Senators Announce Plan On Nominees

For the past year, Americans have witnessed a series of indictments against Donald Trump in four districts known for their Democratic leanings, resulting in around 91 felony charges. This sequence of events highlights what many see as a highly weaponized Department of Justice, unlike anything the country has previously encountered. As President Joe Biden appears […]

Biden Attend G7 Meeting In Italy

President Biden traveled to another meeting of world leaders and, once again, weirdness ensued and throughout this post we’ve posted videos. Mr. Biden, the last of the leaders to arrive at the G7 summit in Italy on Thursday, was greeted by the host country’s prime minister, Giorgia Meloni. Upon shuffling onto the stage where Ms. […]